Friday, August 29, 2008

July 23, 2008

Everybody has a different definition to the term family, for some people family is very important and for other is just a blood relation. The word family means a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage or adoption. Family is also consider the main source of every human being because is where our learning process begins. Right after birth our family help us develop our human capacity, as well as internalize the norms, values, beliefs, and language we need to participate in the larger society.

The conflict theorists research prove that family relationship are largely constructive and harmonious. They also argue that family members do support each other but they also have competing interest. Every family do experience some type of conflict from time to time but at the end they remain together which is the most amazing part of having a family, to know that no matter what you can still count on each other.

If I was the head of the country with fertility rates below replacement. I would encourage people to have children by offering them financial help for school, food, and shelter. Also by teaching them the importance of having a family that they can relied on. I will tell them about my own experience as a mother, how my son change my life for the better, how he brang so much happiness into my life and how he is the reason that look forward to tomorrow .

Family to me is the most amazing thing in the world and although I loved my family, I didn’t know this until now that I have my own family. Having my own family have taught importance of building a strong bond with your family and to base your family on love, trust, respect, support and appreciation.

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