Friday, August 29, 2008

Date: July 21, 2008
Time: 5:24 pm
Place: Work

How to make a relationship successful

Most people get into relationship not actually knowing the factors of building a successful relationship.
I listed the main points that most couples neglect in their relationship and that you should keep in mind in starting a relationship.

Respect, you should always treat your partner with respect. Relationships that are based on respect tend to be stronger and last longer.
Communication, you have to be able to communicate with your partner, lack of communication can lead to destruction because how can you work on something you don’t even know about.
Support, you should always make your partner feel that you’re there for them. You have to tell and make partner feel that every thing is going to be alright even when you know it isn’t because for some reason when you hear those words you gain these inner strength that you feel you can fight against world.
Trust, if don’t trust your partner than you shouldn’t have a relationship with that person because all you’re going to do is make each other miserable. Also, when you’re constantly accusing your partner of doing something that are not doing or have not done all you’re doing is pushing them to actually do it.
Honesty, being honest with your partner is huge part of a relationship because if you’re honest you build up the trust, which than give your relationship a strong ground to stand on.
Kindness, you always treat someone you love politely and with kindness. Also treating your partner politely will work to your advantage because is going to basically force them to do the same and give you their best.
Friendship, before you are somebody’ woman or man you have to be their friend because you want them to confide in you and feel comfortable with you. When people feel comfortable they tend to show they true self, which will also work to your advantage.
Security/Protection, you have to protect your relationship, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to secured it.

July 22, 2008

The legacy of racism

When a child is born they don’t know anything and it’s up to the parent teach them what they should know or what examples to give them, which is why I believe that racism is a legacy that is definitely passed down in some family and that this legacy was past down by the family ancestors, since they were the one experience the slavery times, where white people felt superior than black people. The movie American History X is the perfect example of the legacy of racism, because at the beginning of the movie you can see how the father is telling the older son that black people were taking over white people jobs and community and should have no right. Later on in the movie the father died and the older son felt that a black person caused his father death. The older son than began his racism against black people and so did the younger brother because he learned from the examples that his older brother gave him. So this racism legacy was passed down to the father and he then passed down to his older son and older son passed down to his younger brother and this legacy will keep going until someone put a stop to it which is what the older brother was trying to do.

Racism is an issue that we are still dealing with today because like in the film American History X, most people grow up in a racist environment and don’t know any different. I am not justifying this behavior but I do know that when you grow up around a certain environment is very hard for you to break out of it and change your old ways. Also this film is a very honest film because show how racism is an unfair behavior and a huge waste of energy. At the beginning of the film you can see how poison the older son mind is but then later on in the film you able to see the change in him. It shows the irony of life, how he hated black people but the only friend he actually had in prison was black and how the ones that were supposes to be his friends or part of his group, betrayed him.

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